Friday, May 16, 2008


Hours Worked (9:10- 10:55) (11:45-12:30).

Today I brought in the dough for our frog pretzels, and made the eggie paint for a little added color to the frogs pretzels. We helped out during snack and sat down to morning meeting and decided the weather, date and the month. during centers we had the kids shape their little dough ball into anything they wanted. Some used cookie cutters, other rolled the dough in their hands. A lot of kids made tadpoles. It was fun to see how the kids interpret how the tadpoles looked, and hearing the kids remarks when they were toughing the dough. Some said "it's sticky", "it's gooey", "it's sticking to me hands and I don't like it". They make me laugh so much. While the kids went to the gym for some free time Molly and I stayed behind in the classroom to be with the pretzels while they cooked, and to use up the rest of the dough because we didn't want to wast any of it. I left before they got back, because I had to go to class, but when I got back I was in time for outside time. We played the slide and one of the little girls was very put off and annoyed. We helped the kids settle down and get ready to each their lunch. We handed out the pretzels. All the kids were enjoying them, but the chain reaction happened, once one kid said they didn't like it, then they all say they don't like it. today and the whole week was so much fun and I am sad we are going in to our last week. Next week Molly and I are going to bring in another treat into the classroom and Molly and I are going to add a little to their journals before they take them home.

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