Monday, May 12, 2008

"Frogs are slimy"

Day one of week two went well, and I was freezing the whole day. We didn't really have an activity planned for centers because of mothers day, but we planned with the kids all morning and did puzzles during center time. Today I got there really early this morning. When I came into the classroom and I checked on the classroom and I noticed that one of the tadpoles had a slit in their tale and I had no idea who it got there. Molly and I didn't do much about frogs today but we did drawings of frogs this morning, Joe had drawn a picture of a frog and wanted to put it in his journal. Molly and I have learned a lot about the kids in the class and how patient we have to be and provide equal love to all the kids even if some kids may be harder to love then others. For the rest of the week Molly and I have planned a lot of great activities for the week including pretzels, Frog eyes and art project made out of egg cartons but I am excited for the rest of the week.

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