Friday, May 16, 2008

With Minor blog problems

Lsat night I had some trouble connecting the sight so I wrote my blog in a word document while sitting at home.
Hours worked ( 9:10-12:30)
Today was kind of gloomy, and the weather was not so great. We were down a lot of kids due to illness and becoming a big sister. Molly and I hung out with the kids during their free time and today they had a bit longer and Raz made the kids a special treat to have during snack, French Toast yummy!!! During centers today Molly and I played matching with the kids. During the puppet show and out side time I made the kids a matching game using the sequence of frogs and different colors showing the different stages. Sam Payson was support to come and play music for the kids to sing along to, but he did not come until after lunch when all the kids were settling down for nap time and we did not want to get them all excited again, so we are going to try again next week. Molly printed more photos for our project and for the kids to keep in the end to put in their journals. Tonight I made dough for the kids to make frog pretzels during centers, and I still feel like there is a lot of dough sitting under my finger nails. I am hoping that every things is going to work out for tomorrow. And sorry about entering the blog late.

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