Wednesday, May 14, 2008

ever put together a frog?

Hours Worked (8:15-11) and (6:50-7:50)
Wonderful Wednesday!! Today was great again, sun was out and the weather brought warmth and the kids were great. Today it seemed like we had a really small group even thought it was only by two kids. We started off our morning by playing with the kids with this green goo. They were cutting it, rolling it in their hand and getting it all over them. At 9ish we sat down for snack time. and Lagan told me that he loved my by rubbing my face. Today was library so half the group went to the Andover library and the others stayed back in the classroom where we read book. Molly and I colored our pieces to our frog puzzle and handed out the pieces to the teacher. Once all the kids got back to the library we sat down for morning meeting and during the middle i had to dash and go to french class. Tonight Molly and I printed pictures for out finale presentation and for the kids journal. Tomorrow Sam Payson is coming in to the classroom, to sing a song. Over all everything was wonderful and is going great.

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