Sunday, May 25, 2008

week reflection three

This week in the preschool was a lot of fun. This week I didn’t seem to learn anything new. It felt like it was all a blur when learning how to work in a classroom. I always feel like I am learning how to work with a specific child in order to get them to do stuff. Basically, I learn how to work with different types of kids everyday. Another thing I noticed is that they don’t always realize things as it happens. Friday was Molly and I’s last day and when we would tell them this was our last day, it didn’t seem to register in their brains. When we said good-bye to them, they said bye as if we would see them on Monday at school. I think it will really hit them when we aren’t there on Monday. I loved what I was doing. I have come to the conclusion that I am still interested in working in a preschool. The kids were so funny that it made it really enjoyable. We were never really asked to do a certain activity; we usually just do what is needed to be done. The only thing we are really asked to do is be outside with them while they are on the playground because they get hurt a lot outside and always want to play with people when running around on the playground. What surprised me this week was when the kids were finishing their craft project they really got into and stuck with it. It was really impressive. I will benefit from this experience because I will be able to use the skills I learned in the preschool when I baby-sit this summer and when hanging out with my little cousins who are around the same age as the preschoolers. I think I will be able to help them more and enjoy my time more with them, now that I have a better understand of what the needs are of those kids of age. It was a really fun week and I’m sad its over, but hopefully I will be able to play with some of these kids over the summer!

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