Thursday, May 22, 2008


Hourse Worked (8:00-12:30)

The preschoolers we great today and Molly and I had alot to do. I got there a bit early, when my mother was dropping of the decorants for the cupcakes, whitch we great fun for the kids and yummy. Today we finished our pond scene art proects with the kids and they all turned out real. Altough the kids tend to go a bit crazy with the glue and the beeds. All and all the projects turne out really great and each of them were very different to the styles of the stdent. I am begging to see where the kids strength are and how some take their time when working on projects or in centers, compared to the kids who rush through the projects that have been planned. After all the daily morning rutines it was time for out side time. Molly and I took three kids at a time back into the classroom, we told them it was a "secret project" and that they weren't alowed to tell anyone. We had set up a try full of srpinkles, jelley beans, smarties bascily a try of suger and four differen't forstings. With that the kids decorated cupcakes for my Birthday and were alowed to have them after they had all finished their lunach and were sitting quietly at the table. I got many "thank you for the cupcakes" and "Happy birthday Hannah". I amd going to really miss these kids.

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