Friday, May 9, 2008


Friday what a tiring week, and although I was not there in the morning, the day still went well, the kids were a lot better today. I came in around snake time, and after we were going on a filed trip to the Proctor Gym. The gym allowed them to run around and get some of their energy out, and because it was a little chilly today we didn't go frog hunting, but i told the kids that we would go again and we would look for more frogs. I was sad because most of my time at the gym was in the bathroom. Once one kid said they needed to go then all of a sudden they all have to go. One by one, I took the kids in to the bathroom, and by the time all the kids had gone to the bathroom, it was time to head back to the classroom. Today during centers Molly and I Friday, although I was not there right in to morning, the day went well. Everybody was tired and ready for the weekend to come. We went on a field trip to the Proctor Gym today. Ani and Lilly C were talking about the different kind of stuffed animals they had at home and which ones they would sleep with and the whole conversation was spoken through a high pitched giggle. At the gym, the kids ran around, while some of them were hoping pretending to be frogs, who wanted to be caught. They would hop up right in front of Molly and I and say "now the frog wants to be caught" so we would pick them up, tickle their tummy and then let out little forggie go. Once we got back it was time for centers. Molly and I taught the kids how to write the letter F and then some of the kids wanted to write out Frog. They all did really well. After we also feed our pet tadpole. The tadpoles have started to grow legs, and the kids are able to see the legs coming out next to the their long tail. This week has gotten me really excited about the next and the activities we are going to be doing. But the kids have really run me ragged. After chasing them around the playground, holding crying children, sing, dancing, reading, opening snakes and a little frog hunting I am looking forward to my nap time, a very long nap time. Next week Molly and I have some great things planned.

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