Sunday, May 25, 2008

week reflection three

This week in the preschool was a lot of fun. This week I didn’t seem to learn anything new. It felt like it was all a blur when learning how to work in a classroom. I always feel like I am learning how to work with a specific child in order to get them to do stuff. Basically, I learn how to work with different types of kids everyday. Another thing I noticed is that they don’t always realize things as it happens. Friday was Molly and I’s last day and when we would tell them this was our last day, it didn’t seem to register in their brains. When we said good-bye to them, they said bye as if we would see them on Monday at school. I think it will really hit them when we aren’t there on Monday. I loved what I was doing. I have come to the conclusion that I am still interested in working in a preschool. The kids were so funny that it made it really enjoyable. We were never really asked to do a certain activity; we usually just do what is needed to be done. The only thing we are really asked to do is be outside with them while they are on the playground because they get hurt a lot outside and always want to play with people when running around on the playground. What surprised me this week was when the kids were finishing their craft project they really got into and stuck with it. It was really impressive. I will benefit from this experience because I will be able to use the skills I learned in the preschool when I baby-sit this summer and when hanging out with my little cousins who are around the same age as the preschoolers. I think I will be able to help them more and enjoy my time more with them, now that I have a better understand of what the needs are of those kids of age. It was a really fun week and I’m sad its over, but hopefully I will be able to play with some of these kids over the summer!

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Last day

Hourse worked (9:10-10:55) (11:45-12:30)

Today was the last day working at the pre school and Molly and I were sad to say goodbye to all the kiddies. We had the most amzing and rewarding expericance and I am so gald i was able to work with these kids. Over all I think I achived most of my goal with a few minors set back such as timing and what was age apporite but i learned about working with such a young group of kids and now I really don't want to stop. Today Molly and I did every thing that we alwasy did when helping out in the classroom. During snack time today Raz pulled Ani and Lindsay away and when they came back they had two relly big bags in their hands ne for each of us. Inside of them were a metal painted frog that you could hang on the wall and it said thank you Hannah, Sr project 08 and all of the kids names on it. We were so blown away and the teaqchers were so thankful of everything that we did with them in th classroom. But because Molly and I have to finish a project with some of the kids, we are going back ontuesday day to do so and also give them their jouranls. Molly and I spent all afternoon in the tech dept printing pictures of the kids and making sure they had everything in their journals before they got sent home, it was a long and frustaing afternoon. I am looking forward to the last part and showing how much fun we had with the kids and how we grew to love each and evey one of them.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Hourse Worked (8:00-12:30)

The preschoolers we great today and Molly and I had alot to do. I got there a bit early, when my mother was dropping of the decorants for the cupcakes, whitch we great fun for the kids and yummy. Today we finished our pond scene art proects with the kids and they all turned out real. Altough the kids tend to go a bit crazy with the glue and the beeds. All and all the projects turne out really great and each of them were very different to the styles of the stdent. I am begging to see where the kids strength are and how some take their time when working on projects or in centers, compared to the kids who rush through the projects that have been planned. After all the daily morning rutines it was time for out side time. Molly and I took three kids at a time back into the classroom, we told them it was a "secret project" and that they weren't alowed to tell anyone. We had set up a try full of srpinkles, jelley beans, smarties bascily a try of suger and four differen't forstings. With that the kids decorated cupcakes for my Birthday and were alowed to have them after they had all finished their lunach and were sitting quietly at the table. I got many "thank you for the cupcakes" and "Happy birthday Hannah". I amd going to really miss these kids.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Short Day!!

Hours worked (8:00-10:45)
Today was another short day, today was also library day. Molly and I did the usual morning routine consisting of, playing with the kids during their free time in the morning and helping with snack. Because today was library day a large portion of the group went over to the Andover public library. Molly, Raz and I stayed behind and did centers with the others. I was watching the sandbox and listening to the kids say how the sand felt between their toes. Wednesdays are different kind of days for us to come in. Because we are not around for centers and we are missing a lot of kids it is hard to plan an activity although we have found ways to keep introducing our topic to the kids. Today I showed a few the legs on our tadpole Lagan shouted "they're turnin' into frogs" and they seem excited about that. Last night we put together another news letter to be sent home to the parents tell them what we did with their kids. This afternoon I looked over the letter one last time and then with many failed attempts try and attack it to an e-mail only to find that the file was to big. Finally I though to put the news letter on the sever and thank goodness that worked. I walked the printed copy over to the pre-school and left it on Raz's desk with a note. Molly and I are dreading the end and having to say goodbye to our many friends.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


As always we started off our morning spending some times with the kids, I had a lovey time diving in the play-dough making french fires and flatten it out and then stamping in shapes and faces. Today we had reading buddies and music with Bill. Molly, Raz's daughter is reading buddies with Lagan and she went to the bathroom and Lagan was left alone and I want to go and sit with him. When Molly got back she was very upset to see me sitting with her reading buddies. WE had a fun time playing on the playground. We pushed the kids the swings. The black flies are killer and they attack you from all angles and there is no way to get away. Once we got back to the preschool we had the puppet show. I love seeing the kids laughing at the scene going on in front 
of them. I have learned a lot about working with such young kids. A lot of them love doing art projects but they have a hard time sticking with a project, but the kids that do take their working on the projects, they through process is so wonderful to watch. On little boy will draw beautiful pictures of the tadpole tank with a lot of details. This was the 3rd of going to music and some of them are in to the music and some are not at all.  I love watching them learn, dance and sing of course.  At the very end of the day one of the little boys was looking  in the tank and they noticed one of the frogs has begun to grow legs and we are very excited and so are the kids, we hope they keep growing and don't kill each other.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Frog Eyes

Hours worked (8-9:10) - (10:10-12:00)

Yet again today was a little chilly and we had a small group today. Today Molly and I did another one of our frog related projects. We used egg cartons and cut out the egg holders and used them as frog eyes. Then through the week the kids are going to work on their ponds. By drawing what they see in ponds and where a frog lives. We are also going to be using pipe cleaners and sparkles to create the idea of pond life. But we also helped out with daily routines. Out side time was fun today, we went over to the football field to run around and get some of their energy, all craved for lots attention but there was one student who longed to have one on one time with some one. Molly and I commonly hear "I love you" and today I got a kiss from Ani. For the remainder of out side time she wanted me to run around with her and try and kiss her... I never got her. We had frog races, where we would hop from one end of the field to the next, but I think their favorite part was being able to say "on you mark... get set.. GO"!! They would all hop off laughing a screaming having the a ball. Tomorrow Molly and I don't have to plan anything because we have reading buddies at AEMS and music with Bill. We are looking forward to the rest of our week and we are sad to see it coming to an end.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Week reflection two

(17 and a half hours worked this week)

I can't believe that is the end of week two already they have flown by. What I learn this week that not every one is going to like the projects that have been prepared to do during centers. For example the day that we made frog pretzels, as a finished product not all the kids liked the whole wheat pretzels. One Thursday Molly and I planned to have a musical guest come and sing frogs song with the kids, but he was really late and come right when nap time was starting, so we were unable to sing our froggie songs. I have planned on sing the song and them writing about it in their journals, and this week we were planning on Thomas coming sometime this up coming week but he is really sick. As a fall back plan I am going to as my father if he has the time. We are not asked to do anything, because we know what we need to do, so we go ahead and do it. I am doing a lot more interacting with the kids then I expected, but I like it this way because, we get to know the kids better and form better relationships with them which I love and I love being with the kids. Over I really enjoyed everything we did this week. Every thing from playing Tadpole Tadpole Frog again, going to the gym, coloring frogs in our journals, even when Lagan put his snotty little nose in my mouth and so much more. I must say my favorite is playing with the kids out side playing games and just seeing them laugh and smile. I always enjoy being with those kids and working with them and seeing how they see the different things that we are teaching them. I am so glad i am working with these kids and at the proctor preschool every body there is so wonderful, I wouldn't have it any other way.